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claus learns he has back feet

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claus learns he has back feet

Beitragvon gsdsch3v » Samstag 4. September 2010, 21:17

Claus is learning that he has back feet. We went to a friends house and worked on her agility equipment. We are also dealing with having to switch to a verbal marker for a while as the duty holster clicks when you return the pistol to it and that has interfered with his obedience on the shooting range. Hopefully though the agility work will help him with his ladder climbing skills. He is fine if you set him on the ladder but otherwise he forgets he has back feet.
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Registriert: Freitag 3. Juli 2009, 00:36
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Re: claus learns he has back feet

Beitragvon boxerchris » Sonntag 5. September 2010, 09:50

What kind of exercises do you do to challenge his back feet?

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Re: claus learns he has back feet

Beitragvon Blue Luna » Sonntag 5. September 2010, 10:47

There are a few tricks you can do with him in.

"going backwards",
"home", or any
"balancing exercises".

Have you seen any videos on that board?
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Re: claus learns he has back feet

Beitragvon boxerchris » Sonntag 5. September 2010, 14:10

Blue Luna hat geschrieben:Have you seen any videos on that board?

This thread http://bluna.rivido.de/schutzhundforum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=412&p=6881&hilit=hinterhand#p6881 is about "Aktive Hinterhand"(active hind legs). There's also a video - nice heeling with "Hinterhand" exercises.

What kind of exercise is "home"?

Just watched some "desert dogs" videos on youtube - impressing.

Februar 2011 + August 2011
Ausgewachsenes Rudelmitglied
Ausgewachsenes Rudelmitglied
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Re: claus learns he has back feet

Beitragvon gsdsch3v » Samstag 13. November 2010, 02:44

small update on claus's feet, We have been using some basic horse training stuff for teaching jumping and it seems to be working, I haven't been back to the attic for a while, (my next house will have stairs and the attic ladder if only for the dog) schedule conflicts, but I did find some cool stairs in the county shop that I intend to let him play on. you don't know how lucky you are to have regular access to things like stairs and attic ladders. in my area all the houses for the most part have no attics, basements, or stairs. :gruebel:

Still the work we have been doing seems to be building more awareness of his feet and body position.
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: Freitag 3. Juli 2009, 00:36
Wohnort: Oregon - USA
National Flagge:
United States of AmericaUnited States of America

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